Contractor Approval Process
Saint-Gobain requests all contractors to complete a pre-qualification process prior to work being performed at our locations in North America. In doing so, Saint-Gobain uses a third-party to administer and manage the exchange of information and documents, including analysis and audit of critical data. All contractors must meet the following requirements to be approved to work:
Registered member of the third-party platform with an active account
- Submit a completed pre-qualification form, including documentation as outlined by Saint-Gobain
- Documentation requirements will consist of three trailing years of OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) 300A summaries, EMR documents, drug and alcohol programs, safety manual, and others as applicable.
- Notify your Saint-Gobain contact for more specific requirements.
Full compliance with the Saint-Gobain criteria will be clearly identified to you upon completion of the prequalification.
- Your company’s safety record must reflect a Recordable Incident Rate (RIR) of no greater that 100% of the industry average per the U.S. Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics. Your rate will be compared to the NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) code selected by your company as the primary line of work. See the BLS website for more information.
- Your company’s EMR (Experience Modification Rate) derived by your Workers’ Compensation insurance carrier is recommended to be less than 1.0 but must not be equal to or exceed 1.0 on a three-year average.
Upon registering at the third-party platform link provided to you from your Saint-Gobain contact, the Saint-Gobain requirements and steps for approval will be visible to you. The following steps will help guide you:
- Register online with our third-party vendor administrator.
- Complete a prequalification form. Complete and submit your company’s pre-qualification form
- Submit your insurance certificate as outlined in your contract / purchase order (P.O.) / agreement.
- Submit an electronic copy of your safety manual.
- Complete the annual updates. Every January, please update the pre-qualification form and annual updates on your account.
If you have any questions or need help in completing the contractor pre-qualification process, please discuss with your Saint-Gobain contact